

Hat Chat

Today's post is all about hats! Winter hats, summer hats! Straw hats, velvet hats! Hats are the perfect accessory for a bad hair day, a hot, sunny day, or virtually any casual occasion. A simple ball cap {like this one!} or panama hat {like this one!} keep your hair and skin safe from the summer sun, while still looking fashionable! For colder weather, a beanie {like this one!} or a felt, wide-brimmed hat {like this one!} will keep you warm and will perfectly top off {literally} any winter ensemble.

Remember.. Don't be afraid to step out of the box and wear a hat you would not normally wear! The sky's the limit!

Here's me sporting my favorite panama hat on the beach! 

Thoughts on hats?

1 comment:

  1. Marie Claire7/07/2014 11:31 AM

    You are a cutie. I can also see the reflection of your phone in your sunglasses. Not sure why this made me giggle.
